Responding to questions about drug interactions.
We provide answers to your queries
about drug interactions. Every drug or
medicine that one takes affects the
physical and mental body in more than
one way. Our expert consultant will be
ever ready to listen to your questions
and health concerns patiently and
review the prescribed medicine for you
Services to become aware of possible medication errors.
Often, some patients are allergic to
certain drugs, or sometimes the wrong
drugs are prescribed because of
human input error. Our team of
knowledgeable and expert Doctor of
Pharmacy reviews the patient’s
medication profiles. The information is
used to verify the safety of the
medicines and efficacy of their usage,
with reports of drug effects and quality.
Invaluable insights about the usage of prescribed medicine.
Our consultants work towards giving
insight into the side effects of the
medicine and the harm their
overdosage or irregular dosage can
cause. They work in collaboration with
the patient to devise a healthy
medication schedule, with effective
time gaps to ensure maximum benefit.
Client-focused and health-driven Doctor of Pharmacy are at your service.
In an effort to continually improve the
lifestyle of the patients who approach
us, we focus on their well-being the
most. The patient’s health is
uncompromisable. If any medication is
even slightly harmful, we make sure to
inform the patient so that they can
make the most informed decisions
regarding their health and safety and
navigate their life accordingly by
consulting their physicians in time.
Quality and ethical patient education and counselling.
For patients, especially those with
chronic illness, getting the education
and necessary counselling regarding
the use of medications and their
potential effectiveness is crucial. The
patient understands what therapeutic
outcomes they can expect with the
correct dosage of the prescribed drugs
during the medication consultation.
How patients are going to be benefited through this service.
Patients will come to know more about
their own medications and what and
why they need to take.
Patient knows about the medication adherence and its importance.
Patient knows about the drug interactions of their medications if any, which avoids them towards potential harm.
At Dr. Manoj Medication Opinion Centre, anyone who approaches with a prescription should be able to know about the specified use and potential side effects of the drugs they have been prescribed with.
Patient knows about the medication adherence and its importance.
Patient knows about the drug interactions of their medications if any, which avoids them towards potential harm.
At Dr. Manoj Medication Opinion Centre, anyone who approaches with a prescription should be able to know about the specified use and potential side effects of the drugs they have been prescribed with.
Safe and confidential medication consulting.
One can trust us to follow every ethical
guideline in the healthcare system and
the rules that govern the sector. Every
piece of information shared is kept
private. Nothing is shared with a thirdparty organization, and the data
collected is only used to provide the
patient with the most accurate and
comprehensive review of medication.